sara silva
photo photo photo photo photo
Hello stranger, and welcome to my homepage! :-)

I am principal investigator at FCUL and
member of the LASIGE research center, UL

My main research interests are Genetic Programming,
other flavours of Evolutionary Computation
and all other biologically inspired methods.

I am also interested in applications, mostly in
Remote Sensing in Earth Sciences.

     arrow   My Google Citations and my Research Gate profile,
               where you can find the PDFs of most of my publications

     arrow   EvoStar Award for Outstanding Contribution to Evolutionary Computation! :-)
               Short interview (in Portuguese) on the webpage of FCUL

     arrow   Best Paper Awards: EuroGP-2009, EuroGP-2010, EvoIASP-2010,
               EuroGP-2013, EuroGP-2014

     arrow   Editor-in-Chief of GECCO 2015;
               Programme Chair of EvoRISK-2013, EuroGP-2012, EvoRISK-2012, EuroGP-2011;
               Track Chair of EPIA-2013 (ALEA), IBERAMIA-2012 (Bio-Inspired Computing),
               EPIA-2011 (ALEA); Publication Chair of EuroGP-2010; Member of the local
               organizing committee of RECOMB-2010, EuroGP-2004

     arrow   Member of the Editorial Board of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines;
               Member of the Programme Committe of GECCO 2005-07-08-09-10-11-12-13, CEC 2013,
               EuroGP 2009-10-11-12-13-14-15, EvoBIO 2012-13, EvoRISK 2012-13, EvoIASP 2013-14,
               ALEA 2009-11-13, SOCO 2010-11-12-13, IBERAMIA 2012-14, EVOLVE 2013-14, WSC 15-16-17;
               Reviewer for AI Commun, ASOC, EVCO, GPEM, Heat Transfer Eng,
               HERA, IEEE TEVC, IEEE TGARS, Int J Heat Mass Tran, NCA, PLoS ONE,
               PAI, Recent Patents on Computer Science, Soft Comput, Water Resour Res

     arrow   National projects: past (EnviGP as project leader, MassGP, InteleGen, PneumoSys,
               HIVcontrol, CancerSys), ongoing (PERSEIDS) and approved (PREDICT, OPTOX);
               International projects: past (STORMS, EURIS, ACOBSEC) and ongoing (ASSISIbf)

     arrow   GPLAB - A Genetic Programming Toolbox for MATLAB

     arrow   Programação Genética - Darwin e o teu Computador (in Portuguese)

     arrow   Press

     arrow   Pictures of my PhD defense
